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La vera crescia sfogliata di Urbino
La vera crescia sfogliata di Urbino


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The Poet’s Crescia… is now Lara’s

“I haven’t seen Urbino for over thirty years, yet I continuously see it! I didn’t forget anything, not even ‘ la Baciocca’, where we used to eat the ‘crescie’!”

(Letter to Marchigiani, 28th January 1903)

Giovanni Pascoli Urbino
La Baciocca

Thanks to this background and to her more than ten year experience, Lara is now able to offer you this ancient and extremely tasteful product, typical of her town’s culinary traditions, which she came to know through her family habits.

That’s why her ‘crescia’ is rigorously handmade, using selected Italian natural ingredients, in order to offer you the same tasty experience that Giovanni Pascoli wistfully recalled even after thirty years.

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